Caring accomodation for those in need
Here at Arundel we pride our selves in the care we provide. We offer support for Service Users to attend appointments and staff to accompany them can be arranged. We support Service Users with their medication needs ensuring they get the medication they need.
We have regular community meetings where we gather feedback from Service Users and they get an opportunity to have their say about the running of the home. We also have feedback/suggestions box for residents, family, visitors and professionals. We welcome all kinds of feedback both positive and negative so we can ensure we are always improving as a service.
We regularly carry out surveys of different aspects of our service.
We offer support with all aspects of rehabilitation and living skills.
Here at Arundel there are activities going on all the time, there are regular parties for residents which are a great way of bringing individuals together, other activities include movie afternoon, swimming, trips to town and going out for lunch. We have recently been enjoying musical bingo, pamper sessions and quizzes as well as sing along sessions.
There is a communal computer available for use by the Service Users and we also offer Wi Fi.
A hairdresser and chiropodist make regular visits.
Arundel House,
Victoria Road,
EX32 9HP
Tel: 01271 343855